Side Effects and Reviews of Bee Propolis

Honey Benefits - Bee Propolis is a brownish substance that is sticky in nature. This has many medicinal properties and can provide many benefits. However, you must check out all possible pros and cons associated with the bee glue before you use it. This can help you avoid facing some possible side effects. Looking up reviews can be of great assistance in this regard.
Extended use of Bee Propolis can cause you to develop allergies. This is why it should not be applied around the eyes. Some other side effects include rashes, itchy or cracking skin, mouth sores and eczema.
Breathing difficulty is another common side effect associated with this product. If you find yourself experiencing this, discontinue the usage immediately. Formation of hives on your skin is another possible problem that you may face if your body reacts adversely to bee glue. Some of you may also experience tonsillectomy.
Often, the people who suffer from the side effects of Bee Propolis are those who are allergic to bee stings and also honey. These people should avoid having bee glue to prevent unwanted problems. However, if you accidentally have this product, and notice any adverse side effect, do not hesitate in seeking medical assistance at once.
Because of the rich source of antioxidants, some people have found their skin complexion to have improved greatly when they use bee glue. Instances of people getting their wounds healed because of the antibiotic properties in Bee Propolis have also been reported. People with various problems or physical disorders have found relief with the use of bee glue. Thus, this product is believed to have immense medicinal properties.
If bee glue is had at the early stages when cancer is suspected, it can help to prevent it and free you from this deadly disease. People fighting cancer have also reported to found the intake of bee glue to be beneficial. Other reviews that people have stated regarding the use of bee glue is that it helps in combating obesity using a completely natural product.
Bee glue has been given a good review rating by those who have been advised by professionals for therapeutic applications or gastro-intestinal problems. With the antibacterial properties, it has proved to be very effective in killing harmful bacteria. Similarly, people with fungal problems have found solace using this wonderful and natural product.
Taking a little bit of bee glue mixed with warm water can help you get relief from sore throat and cold in very less time. However, the effect lasts only for a short time. Bee glue is very effective on dry skin and helps the skin retain its moisture with just a little application, especially on the elbows and knees.
While some people have had intense reactions or side effects mentioned above and had to discontinue the usage, there are also people who have not had any problem at all. There are also people who have had mild problems initially but were able to get adjusted to the bee glue soon.
Before using any product, a thorough understanding about it can be greatly beneficial even if the product is 100% natural. An awareness of the side effects and reviews of Bee Propolis can help you achieve the maximum benefits from it without giving way to any form of unnecessary worry.