
Using Honey for Sore Throat Home Remedies

HONEY BENEFITS - Sore throat home remedies have been practiced generation to our ancestors to this day. There are various herbs from plants and natural materials are used in many different recipes for each region. Prescription for the treatment of sore throat is different for each region based on natural ingredients that are available in the area

Scientifically, it may not be clinical trials for recipes that are passed from generation to generation, but our grandmothers have benefited from natural ingredients such treatment. In this modern time, people have tendency to go back to nature to get the higher treatment. Treatments with natural ingredients are less likely to cause side effects that actually harm our health in the future. So there is nothing wrong for us to find some formula of honey used as sore throat home remedies.

Sore throat is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx that lies at the bottom of the throat. In the medical term, sore throat referred to as a pharyngitis. But the general public refer to the various terms are different for each region, as many kinds of herb formulas that are used as sore throat home remedies.

The symptoms of sore throat is pain when swallowing food, throat was hot and stuffy. Sore throat sometimes accompanied with runny nose, headache, muscle aches, cough and fever. From these symptoms, your activity would be disrupted when you experience it. Sore throat can occur at any time, we need enough knowledge about sore throat home remedies.

Sore throat can be caused by various reasons. It is usually the attack on the cold, where the condition of a person’s body will come down at that time. Less excellent body condition will make the bacteria and viruses easily enter our bodies. So we’ll catch a cold is accompanied by a cough and runny nose that will cause sore throat. Sore throat can also be caused by allergies or tonsillitis.

Some severe sore throat should get medical care from. Most mild sore throat can heal itself in 3-7 days if we can increase the fitness of our body. Most of the complaints of sore throats can be cured with a variety of common recipes of natural ingredients for sore throat home remedies.

Sore throat can attack 2-3 times a year on each person. Small children and adolescents with a weak immune system, it would be easy to catch cold that will trigger a sore throat. Viruses and bacteria can spread through the air. If one of your family who is accompanied by inflammation of the flu, get plenty of rest and give a traditional herb for healing. Within 2 weeks if not healed, then take it to the doctor. Because the inflammation is very possible that he suffered was not caused by the common cold and cannot be cured with traditional ingredients as sore throat home remedies.

To keep the sore throat does not become worse, so avoid eating foods that are acidic. Because acidic foods will make a stricken sore throat become irritated. Cooking oil in our diet will also aggravate the burden of the throat, so avoid fried foods. Also avoid foods that are too hot or cold, because it could aggravate inflammation in our throat. Avoid also smoke when exposed to sore throat. Cigarette smoke will further increase inflammation. Stay away from the restrictions mentioned above; when you do a sore throat treatment with chemicals or drugs when you do sore throat home remedies therapy.

Honey is a natural material with such health benefits. Honey has been known since the first, since human civilization began. Hippocrates studied honey and concluded that the natural material produced by bees is to have healing benefits. Mentioned among others, are as body warmers, cleaning wounds and ulcers and also as diluents phlegm when coughing. Honey also is soothing the throat when coughing, so honey is suitable as material for sore throat home remedies.

Lots of recipes handed down by our ancestors to use a mixture of honey and other natural materials as sore throat home remedies. Here are some recipes that you can use for you and your family:

Honey and Chili: Prepare 2 tablespoons honey, ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper, 4 tablespoons cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 cup warm water. Mix all ingredients are natural and dissolve it in a cup of warm water. Use this mixture as sore throat home remedies to rinse patient mouth.

Honey and Vinegar: Combine 2 tablespoons of vinegar with 1 cup honey and stir evenly. Drink a mixture of natural ingredients 3 x 2 teaspoons a day as sore throat home remedies.

Honey and Lemon: Honey has a throat soothing properties affected by coughing. In lemon contained bacteria-killing properties as a cause sore throat. A mixture of honey and lemon will effectively treat cough accompanied by sore throat. Combine 2 tablespoons of honey with four tablespoons of lemon juice and add a little salt. Drink this concoction as sore throat home remedies.

Honey and Ginger: Pick a few stalks of ginger and boil in water until boiling and remove the nutritional content such as ginger tea we brewed. Add a solution of ginger tea with one tablespoon of honey and stir until evenly distributed. This mixture is able to warm the throat and thins phlegm. Drink a solution of honey and ginger is as sore throat home remedies. This herb is also used by the singers to get their voices are excellent.

Honey and Mustard Grind: Prepare grind 1 tablespoon mustard, 1 tablespoon of honey, half a tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon salt. Mixed all ingredients in 1 cup boiling water and leave it up to 15 minutes, then rinse as your sore throat home remedies.

Honey and Sage: Take a few leaves of sage are nice and small slices – small. Enter in a jar containing honey with all the terms must be submerged in the sage honey. Leave for 2-6 days. This herb can be directly taken as much as 1 teaspoon several times a day as you sore throat home remedies.

Honey and Cinnamon: Slice a lemon and a small little place in 8 ounces of water. Enter ¼ cup ¼ cup honey and cinnamon powder. Heat the mixture for about five minutes (to boil). During the mixture still hot, inhale vapors from these ingredients for about five minutes. After the mixture is cold, take ¼ – ½ cup for a couple of times a day as you sore throat home remedies.

Honey and Pepper: Mix ¼ cup of honey and ¼ tablespoon pepper powder into a cup of hot water. Stir the mixture until completely mixed. After the mixture is cold, use the rinse as your sore throat home remedies. It is advisable to let the mixture stay in your throat for about 30 seconds before remove it from your mouth.

Honey, Benadryl and Mylanta: Honey work to soothe the throat, Benadryl is as an antiseptic that will kill the bacteria that cause inflammation. Mylanta will coat and protect the affected tissue inflammation. This mixture will be effective as your sore throat home remedies.

Honey and Betel: Betel is one plant whose leaves have properties as an antiseptic. Mash some betel leaves and mix with honey. This concentrated mixture can be applied to the exterior of our necks are exposed to sore throat.

Most people that suffered sore throat will be cured with home remedy, especially common sore throat caused by the flu and colds. If you do sore throat home remedies and no progress for more than 2 weeks, then visit your doctor. Possible Sore throat is caused by tonsillitis or other causes that need to be examined in more detail. Keep your health, keep your smile.
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