
The Amazing Uses of Honey and Lemon

HONEY BENEFITS - Honey and lemon is the great combination of the natural healthy drinking. There is much documentation of the uses of honey and lemon.

In addition of the good taste of this combination, you can also get the uses of honey and lemon as ancient medicine for curing many ailments. You can enjoy this old remedy as hot comforting drink, and get the uses of honey and lemon to cure your irritating coughs or colds. When you get sore throat or have irritating thickly coughs, you can use honey and lemon as a hot drink that will soothe and calm your membranes.

People know the uses of honey as antibiotics that could kill off most infections including bad bacteria without affecting the good bacteria, it will keep our systems healthy and in good working order.

Lemon has high content of vitamin C that could use to prevent colds, coughs and the dreaded seasonal flu. Lemon also contains Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium that have ability to keep our bones and teeth healthy.

The other uses of honey and lemon could use to prevent bacteria forming which can include the cause of tonsillitis and urine infections. Uses of honey and lemon will boost your immune system flushing out all those awful toxins and stimulate your liver. The honey as a natural sweetener, combined with the lemon within low calories is the great alternative drink for our everyday diets.

To get a full taste and uses of honey and lemon drink, prepare a clean saucepan with a litter of fresh water and pop a large lemon or two if they’re only small into the water and simmer together for at least 10 minutes.

When the water has cooled, squeeze the juice from the lemon into the mixture and add three large spoonful’s of honey. Try to drink this first thing in the morning or as a refreshing drink which is especially nice with ice and warm it gently for that sore throat and cough.

Get uses of honey and lemon for your favorite drink and try substituting that milk and sugar in your tea for a while, you will feel so much healthier.
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