
Side Effects and Reviews of Royal Jelly

HONEY BENEFITS - Royal Jelly is a natural product generated from the hypo pharyngeal glands present in nurse bees. This is highly nutritious and has almost all the essential nutrients required by the human body. It is creamy and is more like a thick liquid in texture, and is milky white in color. Before you use this product, you must know some potential side effects associated with this product. You must analyze both the positive and negative reviews associated with it.

Royal Jelly Side Effects

Some side effects of Royal Jelly are rashes or eczema. These occur when the dosage taken is too high and disappear when you reduce the intake. Pregnant and lactating women should keep away from these products unless advised to do so by their doctor. However, the exact side effect of this product during pregnancy and lactation is not known.

Severe side effects or adverse reactions that occur due to this jelly are urticarial, acute asthma, rhinitis, allergy and diarrhea with bloody discharge. If you are a victim of breast cancer that is estrogen receptive, taking this product can enhance the growth of cancer cells.

In some cases, this product can interfere with some medications that you are taking, especially those that act as blood thinners or those that are prescribed to lessen the cholesterol levels in your blood. The interference can cause internal bleeding.

However, the side effects of Royal Jelly occur very rarely and are perfectly safe to take by most people. This is why the side effects are often not mentioned along with the warnings. If you have no known side allergy to bees and honey but experience any of the above mentioned problems when you take this product, do not neglect the problem and approach your doctor at once without any further delay.

People who have used this product have reported more of memorable experiences associated with it than negative ones. Some people who have used this product have experienced youthfulness in addition to improving the complexion and beauty of skin. A few people have also shown signs of enhanced fertility and increased sexual activeness.

Also, this wonderful product has boosted energy levels in people and also reduced problems like moodiness, sleeplessness, and anxiety who take this jelly. Memory loss is also reduced greatly. Those who have a history of food allergy are usually advised not to take Royal Jelly as some people with this problem get further problems such as anaphylaxis and even death.

Children can also take this nutritious product as long as they have only half the dosage taken by normal adults. Some people have found this jelly to be very helpful in healing wounds. It has antibiotic properties and can also serve as an inflammatory agent. There are also known cases of people having achieved therapeutic benefits for many problems such as Grave’s disease.


Royal Jelly is a natural product that is available in various forms such as capsules or honey like texture to mention just a few. Although it is a natural product, one should carefully study the side effects and reviews of this jelly before buying it. This analysis can help to prevent most problems associated with the product.
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