
Manuka Honey Acne Remedies – The Best Natural Way to Cure Acne

HONEY BENEFITS - Manuka honey acne remedies, have you ever heard information about this alternative treatments? We already know that acne is one problem that is quite disturbing, especially for teenagers and some adults. Acne can attack the skin throughout the body, but usually most common on the face and very annoying for the sufferer. Would interfere with the appearance of acne and lowered self-esteem for the sufferer.

Do you or your friend is experiencing this problem and are looking for a powerful and safe acne healing? You can read the following article to review on a natural alternative treatment, the manuka honey acne remedies.

Acne occurs due to bacterial attack that nests on our skin. Bacteria from sticking to our skin and we do not feel the complaint, because our immune system can inhibit or kill bacteria enter the skin when they enter.

When the number of bacteria on our skin too much, there will be an infection of the skin because the body’s defenses are not balanced by the number of bacteria that invade the skin. The bacteria will multiply rapidly when environmental conditions with a lot of nitrogen. This condition usually occurs because of the filthy condition of the skin coupled with the excess oil from skin. Bacteria will enter through the pores and hair follicles, and nesting and breeding there.

Treatment of acne is very much the method, ranging from the use of face masks to use laser treatment. All methods of treatment is claimed to be the best and fastest way to cure acne. Chemical drugs are considered the fastest in curing acne. But in fact this type of treatment often causes excessive skin dryness as a side effect.

Although acne is healed, but the skin will look dull and rough. Chemical drugs often use carcinogenic material, so that it can increase the risk of cancer in the future. Alternative treatments using natural ingredients are the safest treatment, including manuka honey acne remedies.

Manuka honey is a honey super honey produced from farms in New Zealand. Bees collect nectar from manuka bush flowers to produce honey. The country is famous for its low pollution levels and tightening the rules for importing plants from outside. So the quality and authenticity of the existing plants in New Zealand is still awake. This affects the quality and purity of manuka honey which has been known properties around the world. Manuka honey is more famous for his ability as a killer of bacteria, so it makes sense to use the manuka honey acne remedies.

Manuka honey contains many amino acids, vitamins and minerals that make it antibacterial properties. Active substances capable of inhibiting bacterial breeding developments heal wounds and stimulate growth of new tissue in the skin of the wounded. Vitamin C content of manuka honey is abundant, stimulates collagen formation to protect the new skin tissue to avoid infection.

The combination of antibacterial and antioxidant properties will cure acne and also keep and maintain skin moisture. These advantages not found in acne treatment with chemical drugs. You can make your acne treatment independently and safely with manuka honey acne remedies.

Acne is caused by a bacterial infection that is triggered by an unhealthy diet, skin hygiene is not maintained, and cosmetics are not suitable. Allergies are also believed to be one cause of acne. Another cause is stress and hormonal changes during puberty, which is why acne commonly affects teenagers who are experiencing hormonal changes in their body system. With a healthy lifestyle, maintain a healthy body and environment, using a skin-friendly cosmetics and control your emotions will speed up the healing process with manuka honey acne acne remedies.

Manuka Honey Acne Remedies, How To Use It?

To use manuka honey as a treatment of acne, there are the usual ways.

Manuka honey can be directly applied to the location of acne, but acne is advisable to clean with warm water plus a pinch of salt, ¼ teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of warm water. Clean with cotton butt acne, then apply a thin manuka honey and let stand for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. The use of manuka honey acne do regularly every day remedies before going to sleep to feel the desired results.

Manuka honey face mask can also be used to cure acne. Prepare a spoonful of oatmeal powder and 2 tablespoons of manuka honey. Can also add a little ground cinnamon and lemon juice. Stir the mixture until evenly distributed and homogeneous, then apply to your face as a mask. Leave the mask on your face until about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Method of manuka honey acne remedies that others are using this super honey to soak in the tub. Enter the 100-200 grams of manuka honey into warm water in the tub. Stir the water so the honey can be mixed perfectly. Soak in a solution of manuka honey, let usefulness penetrate into the pores of your skin.

Its antibacterial properties will kill the bacteria that cause acne. Antioxidants will make your skin retain moisture. Then rinse your entire fresh water. Honey bath is suitable for the healing of existing acne on the skin, not skin. These include methods of manuka honey acne remedies are expensive.

Manuka honey can also be consumed as part of our healthy diet. It is known that honey contains nutrients that are beneficial for our bodies. Regular consumption of honey can help smooth the metabolic and hormonal balance in the body. It will slowly increase the immunity of the body and the body will be optimal in the ability to heal itself.

The point is that with strong body immunity, the bacteria that invade the body can be killed by the antibody. This method of curing acne in a longer time, but you’ll get another of honey for the health of our bodies.

Today, many pharmaceutical companies also use manuka honey as part of the ingredients of its products. When you buy beauty products that claim to use natural manuka honey, make sure to read the labels, that manukanya content is at least 5%.

Not all types of manuka honey honey automatically be regarded as active. Only manuka honey that has a value of UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) above 10 is categorized as active honey. UMF between 10 and 15 are included in the intermediate category, while at the UMF 15 is included in the category of highly active honey. For the use of manuka honey acne remedies, the higher the UMF value it will be more effective.

Manuka honey can be bought in stores pharmacy near your home, or you can also buy online. Be sure to read the packaging label, check the authenticity of honey with a UMF label and see the authenticity of the license of UMF number.

To buy honey online, make sure you gather enough information and read product reviews from previous buyers to ensure the quality of manuka honey you buy. Both buy honey online or offline, it is safer for you to buy honey from the stores that have been recognized reputation, and ensuring that you get the best honey manuka honey for acne remedies.
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