
What is Honey - a Little Basic Information About Honey

Honey Benefits
HONEY BENEFITS - Honey is a natural liquid which generally has a sweet taste of honey produced by bees from the nectar of flowers of the plant ( floral nectar ) or other parts of plants (extra floral nectar ) or excretion of insects.

In honey bee colonies, honey actually serves as the main food for the people who live bees in the colony. However, due to the production of honey bees colonies are generally more than they need, so then humans come to take the excess production food of bees for various needs.

In terms of calorie content of honey is not much different with the sugar, one kilogram of honey can provide about 3500 calories while a kilogram of sugar can give you about 3900 calories. Outside the calories in honey is very different from sugar. Here are the points where different honey with sugar.

Honey does not contain harmful chemicals; almost all substances in honey can be absorbed by the body and only less than 1/200 part honey to be disposed of by the body. Sugar is the result of various heating process in which organic acids, proteins, enzymes and vitamins that exist in nature ( cane or beat) extracted or damaged and even harmful ingredients such as hydrochloric, phosphoric and sulfuric acids go into sugar in the manufacturing process.

Honey is a natural sweetener that the manufacturing process does not involve human touch. Sugar is the process of concentration, denaturalizes and even pollution on natural products (sugar cane) which through the heating process in the manufacture of sugar destroying substances that are essential such as proteins, enzymes and organic acids such.

Honey contains elements of life including various minerals contained therein. Especially white sugar from cane juice from originally dark colored and contains minerals, in a process called defecation, these minerals ' stripped ' because if not then it will not be white sugar crystals.

Honey is the best sweetener from the group due to assimilated simple sugars in the body does not require strenuous activity digestion, simple sugars contained in abundance in honey. White sugar ( from sugar cane ) need to work hard on the digestive system and the hard work of the pancreas to produce insulin, the use of sugar cane to make continuous working ability of the pancreas decreased, which led to the disease diabetes.

The differences is what makes the inventor of insulin that is DR. Banting in 1929 had stated that " In the United States case of people with diabetes increases with the use of white sugar ( cane ), in the manufacture of cane sugar through a process of heating and crystallization something has changed and produce food that is dangerous for consumption ". This opinion is corroborated by other experts DR. Serge Veronoff scientifically stating that should the average human lifespan may reach 120 years if three can step away from food that is sugar, flour and salt.

Concerning the greatness of honey than sugar DR. Harvey W. Willey, elder chemist of the Department of Agricultural and Director of the Bureau of Foods, Sanitation and Health’s - USA in a letter to the American Honey Institute, among others reminded to carefully socialize honey, because if everyone knows the excess honey to sugar can cause problems another honey production is insufficient to meet all the needs of the population, the impact of honey prices will soar very high - so the honey is no longer a food / health are cheap and affordable.

You are fortunate to read this article and know the greatness of honey than sugar, it should replace all the food and drink menu you who have been using sugar with honey. Honey while not becoming too expensive goods to be purchased as feared by DR. The Willey.

Honey nutrition:

Honey contains 12.5 % water - 22 % of its weight (depending on the type of product. Example honey from Honey House classic type containing water + / -18 %; Type Gold + / -15 % and platinum type of approach 12.5 %) and the biggest is the monosaccharide composition in the form of glucose and fructose (75 % - 85 %). The rest is in a small percentage of sucrose, maltose and very important is what is referred to as phytochemicals from different plant species, depending on where the bees obtain their nectar to produce honey. Phytochemicals are natural chemicals common name biologically active plant derived.

Each plant has its phytochemicals alone and has special names depending on the plant. For example, tomatoes and watermelon produce lycopene, tea and onions produce quercetin, grape anthocyanins produce etc. These phytochemicals which include the active role that makes Honey has various medicinal properties.

Another reference source by the National Honey Board (USA) - honey generally contain the following:

Main Components of Honey Percentage (+ / -)

Water 17.1
Fructose 38.5
Glucose 31.0
Sucrose 1.5
Maltose and other sugars reducer 7.2
Tri saccharine and other carbohydrates 4.2
Sub Total 99.5
Minority constituents including vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. 0.5
Total 100

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