
10 Honey Bees Facts You Should Know

HONEY BENEFITS - Honey Bees are a magical little insect. They have proven their usefulness to humans for centuries ago. They produce honey that has so many benefits for human health. Insects including honey bees are friendly in nature and usually will not harm anyone until they see the dangers that threaten their nests. They have a size of about 3/4 inch long, and each honey bee hive can hold up to 80,000 bees, mostly worker honey bees.

Honey bees build their nests which are home on the orders of the queen bee is the largest bee in the hive. This small insect has so many services in our lives. Here are some amazing facts about honey bees in addition to our knowledge.

1) The scientific name of the honey bee Apis mellifera is.
In addition to producing delicious honey and full benefits, honey bees have great significance for the environment because they play an important role in pollination.

2) Honey bees are the only creature that produces a substance that can be consumed by humans. Honey is a complete food because it contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential nutrients for the body. This substance has many health benefits and can help with memory improvement and better brain function.

3) The sound produced by the humming bees is the result of a stroke of their wings that can reach speeds of about 200 beats per second. These creatures can fly for nearly six miles at a speed of 15 miles / hour on a trip.

4) A honey bee hive can hold up to 80,000 honey bees, mostly worker bees. Worker honey bees are female and have a lifespan of about 6 weeks, where they do all the work that is in the nest.

5) Queen bee is the largest bee in the hive size. They can have a lifespan of up to 5 years and is the only honey bees that can spawn.

6) Honey is collected only during the summer months and cold. In addition to the season, the honey bees will survive by eating the honey they have stored in the hive.

7) Honey bees pollinate a variety of fruits and vegetables and the natural pollinators make a major contribution to the existence and environmental sustainability.

8) Honey bees queen can produce up to 1500 eggs per day and nearly one million eggs in her entire life. Duty worker bees take care of food and care for the queen because she hardly has time of laying all his life.

9) The male honey bees are called ' Drone ' and slightly larger than worker bees. Their job is only to mate with the queen bee and they die soon after mating process is complete.

10) Maintaining a steady temperature around 34 ยบ C in the nest year-round. During the winter months when the temperatures began to decline, the honey bees form a cluster around the nest to keep yourself and warm nest.

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